Posts Tagged ‘David Lowrie’

Say it isn’t so Dr. Lowrie !!

August 29, 2009

On another blog was pasted a direct quote from a letter from Dr. Lowrie to another blogger. It has since been taken down and for good reason. If the quote from Dr. Lowrie is a direct quote it is a very hurtful letter.

The quote was like fuel to the fire regarding the whole Valleygate issue. In the quote, Dr. Lowrie all but says the Wade administration virtually covered up the whole Valleygate issue.  That they mishandled the whole thing and seemingly did so on purpose. Can’t quote it directly since the blogger has taken it down.

If that quote was correct. And I am inclined to believe it was not correct and was misquoted or taken completely out of context. Then Dr.Lowrie has accused the Wade admininstration and current staff of directly covering up. If that is the case then he has not acted presidential. When I saw the removed post of Dr. Lowrie, my first response was that the letter didn’t have the tone and demeanor that I have read on his own blog. It just didn’t seem to have come from him.

No one and not including that blogger of old, has  come up with any direct evidence that a cover up ever occurred. If Dr. Lowrie truly believes one did occur, it is incumbent upon him to show such evidence or to not perpetuate the rumor and gossip of the last few years. It is not very presidential to write such a letter to a dieing ember and flame it up.

So say it isn’t so Dr. Lowrie!! If the letter is for real, shame, shame, shame. It may cause more harm than good. I am still inclined to think the reciept of the letter has blown his comments out of proportion, as said blogger is known to do.

Turn out the Lights, the Parties Over!!

August 25, 2009

It appears Montoya and his followers are having little or no influence on pushing the Valleygate agenda. Why his boy Lowrie has pushed him into a back room and ignored him.

It was obvious from the get go, that Montoya wanted Lowrie as President so that he could have his ear on the Valleygate issue and some other non-issues. He championed and applauded Lowrie’s work until yesterday. He now feels abandoned and let down, cause Lowrie admitted that he has not done anything regarding Valleygate.

So now Montoya is disillusioned by the whole thing. He thought he was in Lowrie’s back pocket as it were. Turns out Lowrie doesn’t cow-tow to anyone much less to the likes of Montoya. I am sure he likes Montoya but feels like most of us, tired of his shrill talk of events from the past that have long since been buried.

So now Montoya and a handful have decided to withhold funds to the BGCT and not turn in ACP reports, that part really hurts, NOT. Even if all the churches don’t turn in ACP reports, big deal.  Can’t get what he wants so he pouts and throws a fit and calls for a boycott. Kinda like the war no body shows up for.

Boycotts always have consequences, usually unintended consequences. A monetary boycott of the BGCT has to be done by churches. Churches that are congregational rule, will have to vote on this matter and consider the possibility that many entities could be hurt by such boycotts. Montoya will not get what he wants. His church just voted to increase giving to the BGCT. Will they then turn around and not send money at all? Just because he says so.

So it appears the lights are growing dull and dim on the Montoya party. His cries are being ignored and people are moving on. They have better things to concern themselves with. Such as reaching a lost world for Christ. They are more concerned about the children in foster care who need to be loved. They are more concerned about college students at our universities getting a good quality education, while growing in Christ. The list of greater concerns go on and on.

So build a bridge and get over it!!

Why be Fearful?

August 12, 2009

The endorsement of Dr. Lowrie by David Montoya has now been made. He stated his fear in doing so. Gee, I wonder why? Is  he afraid of the shouts and cries of those who say we ought not endorse candidates for office? Is he afraid it will backfire? Could it be that his endorsement of Dr. Lowrie, will pull him down like an anvil? Is Montoya a dead weight to Dr. Lowrie? Does make ya wonder.

Did ya notice the praise and adulation Montoya poured out lavishly on Dr. Lowrie? The choice words could not be missed: “wonderful, rejoicing, happiness, victory, thankful, individualted leader and he has done a “really good job”. I am sure he deserves those kind words, but dang the syrup spilled out of my computer screen!!

We don’t need  Montoya’s opinion and endorsments to make up our minds about who we will vote for in Houston. Honestly his over-praise almost, I said almost, makes me not vote for Lowrie. 

I do pray we have more than one candidate for the office, that is the Baptist way. Most of us will not be happy if we only have one candidate. I didn’t like it in the past when there was only one candidate and will not like it this year either. So if Currie et al, want to send up a candidate more power to them. It would be good if they did.

David Attacks David

March 6, 2009

Well what do you know, David is attacking David!! He got the president he wanted and he doesn’t kiss the gold ring of the “Great One” and now he is being attacked. David thought David would do what he wanted but alas the one David acts on his own and does not call the other David for advice.

For so long all we heard from David was how Currie et al, was “controlling” the BGCT and it’s election process. So now David got the president he so desired and now he isn’t happy with that either.

Please Montoya run for BGCT President and get elected!!! That’s what you really want isn’t? Or will you still be unhappy?

Is David Lowrie Qualified?

October 31, 2008

If one uses the argument from at least one of the Blues Brothers, then David Lowrie is unqualified to be elected president of the BGCT. He has recently attended a Texas Baptist Committed convocation. He (say it silently) attended a TBC meeting. That “evil” organization the Blues Brothers lament and cry about endlessly as being the “machine” that runs the BGCT.

According to David Currie, he attended the TBC convocation to see just what that group was all about. For that he gains my admiration. Seems over the years the TBC has been painted with broad brushes by the Blues Brothers as the worst organization in Texas and any affiliation with it disqualified you from having any worthy conversation with Montoya and Davis.  I know Montoya used to be very involved with TBC. I am not sure about Davis.

So my question to them is, does this attendance at this meeting disqualify David Lowrie from being president of the BGCT? Is he now “in” with them and thus will push thier evil agenda? Did he really go to seek their approval? Hmmm, makes ya wonder.

I personally have no problem with David Lowrie. As a matter of fact, I consider him more qualified becuase he did attend. That tells me he is not closeminded and narrow in his associations with people from all walks of life.  He is willing to learn about TBC from the ground up and what they are really about. I think he will learn that TBC is made up of good people, who just want the BGCT to stay away from rank and file fundamentalism. They are not out to destroy or control the BGCT. They care for and love the BGCT and desire it to be the best.

For the record I support the TBC. I have attended meetings with them and no I have not been selected or appointed to any key committees. I find that they are my kind of people. I have seen first hand the dangers and harm caused by fundamentatlist.  There is still the looming danger of fundamentlist creeping around Texas. They are still a threat to our beloved convention. And TBC has and will keep us all informed as to those dangers and threats.

Honestly, it is a toss up as to who I will vote for BGCT President. David Lowrie has more of my respect for attending the TBC convocation.  That tells me he wants to be informed and educated on the issues at hand.  So good going David!