Archive for May, 2010

The Perils of a Building Program

May 25, 2010

Our church is in the beginnings of a building program. The church voted unanimously to build a new fellowship hall/activity building a couple of months ago. Even though it was an overwhelming vote in favor of the building some who either didn’t make the meetings when we voted or just didn’t vote are upset.

When I was sharing with some of my pastor friends about our church plans, they almost felt sorry for me. I understand why now. The ugly nature of some is multiplied at planning meetings. Some that never spoke up at the meetings related to voting on the building are now speaking up and loudly. They are getting downright mean about it.

I guess doing a building program like this brings out personal feelings like nothing else. But in the process feelings are getting hurt. For that I am deeply sad. I am between a rock and a hard place on all this. Do I address the ugliness and risk stirring it up or ignore it and allow it to grow?

If I had known how many sleepless nights I would be losing over the stress of this project I almost would have asked the church not to do this. But we desparately need this building for future growth of our church. So I spend lots of time in prayer for those who are being ugly and praise God for the joy it brings to the many who are genuinely excited about the building.

Yall got advice to give me on dealing with the soreheads in this mess?

Keep me and  the church I pastor in your prayers.

Outside Weddings

May 16, 2010

Just wanted readers opinion regarding outside weddings. By that I mean weddings allowed in the church that are done by people outside of the church’s fellowship. People who are non-members and virtual strangers who want to have weddings in the church buildings. I call them outside weddings.

Recently had one that left the building an abosolute mess. They knew they were to clean up and I personally talked to the after the wedding to do so. They said they would be back the next morning (Saturday morning) to clean it up. They never showed and left tons of rental equipment in the kitchen. Apparently they rented dishes etc. for the reception and left it all behind. As of today (Sunday) they still are piled up in the fellowship hall.

As if that is not enough they stiffed us on the building rental. I have personally had enough. The church policy allows for outside weddings. But I am moving more and more into the direction of banning them altogether.

There is no respect these days from strangers about the church. So they assume they rented it and can do whatever they want.

Most of my colleagues have also banned outside weddings for this very reason. It is too much hassle and too much risk for things to get torn up. Plus since I live next door to the church, it is “dumped” on me to handle all wedding issues. Which generally means I have my day off shot dealing with a wedding.

What is yall’s opinion on this matter. I personally think the church should have a wedding coordinator on standby to handle all of these issues and is paid out of the building fees.  And the suggested fee for rental should be such so as to discourage rental.

What say yall?

Dr. Lowrie’s Response via Montoya

May 12, 2010

Dr. Lowrie wrote an excellent response to Montoya. He spelled out the steps and procedures that were used to quickly deal with the Currie/TBC situation. The ones I have personally met and dealt with on the TBC board are honorable Godly people. And those same honorable people dealt with the situation as best they could.

I can only imagine how dismayed and pained the TBC board was when they were dealing with that situation. Apparently they dealt with it fairly and honestly. I personally applaud them for what they have done.

It is way too easy to judge when one does not have all of the facts. It must pain the TBC board to hear of Montoya’s pre-judgemental comments. I personally feel he owes them and Dr. Lowrie an apology, but that is probably not gonna happen.

Dr. Lowrie, as President of the BGCT, has done a tremendous job and should be applauded for his work.

If only we ask questions  of the right people before we shoot off with the mouth. It might save a lot of unneccesary hurt and misunderstanding.

No Dirt On Montoya

May 11, 2010

Not that I expected or wanted any, I have no dirt on Montoya or Davis for that matter. I do  not care or desire to bring  them down. I am not here to rip them a new number and see them become embarassed or brought to thier respective knees.

I am not here to attack them per se, that is what they percieve. My reason for writing regarding them, is that for the most part they go unchallenged. They write as if they are right and everyone else is wrong. Montoya goes after anything BGCT and many times (not always) without merit.

Both of these guys do bring up some very good points. Montoya is not a bad buy and I absolutely do not wish ill on him. Davis is not bad buy either. They both seem sincere in thier comments. My problem is that at least with Montoya he is reactive and shoots off at the mouth/blog and comes across as mean spirited.

Again I wish no harm on either brother in Christ.

No one sent me any dirt and even if they did, I honestly would not publish it. I am not a publisher of gossip. I did, as mentioned before, recieve one anonymous message on the churches answering machine. Cowards leave no name and number. He just called me  a name and said he had said his piece. Oddest message I have ever recieved, and so childish. Deleted it right away. When I recieve anonymous letters in the mail (haven’t had one in more than 10 years), I actually shred them and ignore them.

So David I am not against you, per se, just opposed to the shotty way you shoot at people and seem to intentionally slander people. You aren’t building up the kingdom when you shoot and ask questions later. I know you will most likely slam me for this post, but so what, that is who you are.

We can build up or we can tear down. I honestly thought that was what you said you were gonna do when you reopened your blog. I truly was hopeful.

Love ya bro.

The Slime Begins

May 5, 2010

Here is the deal. David decides to deride me for publishing  what someone else wrote in the comment section of my blog and the slime has now begun. Honestly I debated in my mind whether to allow the comment. It was a below the belt comment from “Joshua” and was unwise on my part to publish it.

I sincerely meant no harm to Davis. I understand when a church situation turns ugly and it hurts. I suspect even now the pain of the situation still stings. To Rick Davis I sincerely apologize.

Now, Montoya has published my church address and phone number.  He is trying to drag my congregation into this mess and that for me is hitting below the belt. My blog is my blog and not the churches blog.  So lay off David!!

I just got home and found a nasty anonymous message on my answering machine. Is that what you intended?  Are your supporters and followers that low?