Archive for July, 2009

What’s Good for the Goose

July 30, 2009

Over the last two years, Montoya has pushed the presidency of David Lowrie ad nauseum. I like David Lowrie, as I have mentioned in the past. Aint got a bone to pick with him. If he wants to run for a second term as president, more power to him.

My problem is with how Montoya raves over David Lowrie and almost implies that to not vote for Lowrie is tantamount to treason. He pushed and pushed Lowrie and now that supposedly Currie has a candidate that he likes, Montoya throws a fit.

Let me go on record to say, I haven’t a clue who Mitch is. Never heard the name until Montoya brought it up.  I don’t know enough about him to even consider voting for him. I don’t bow down to Currie or Montoya when it comes to voting my conscience. At this point I would probably vote for Lowrie, if he runs again. Because I know him and have seen the good work he has done.

Why is it ok for Montoya to drum up support for candidate Lowrie, as he has in the past and will probably do in the future and not ok for Currie to do the same?  Does not Currie have the right to support and push any candidate he wants?

Oh, I know the argument is that TBC has in the past endorsed candidates and that this may smack of that. But so has Montoya/Davis. They claim a “large” audience from respective blogs and use it to push candidates and issues.  I don’t have to answer to either groups when I vote. And neither does the rest of the convention.

So what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

Montoya Running for BGCT President

July 29, 2009

Really submit your name or allow your name to be submitted. Let Brother Doctor Reverend Rick Davis nominate you. One of your other followers could second the motion and ta da, it will be so.

The BGCT needs people of your type. We have never had a man of your caliber run for President before. Afterall you are a minority of sorts. Why we could use a Karate-type dude as President.

On second thoughts never mind.

Whom is it all About, Really?

July 28, 2009

Montoya had this to say in his recent post,  pasted here are the first two paragraphs of his rant, but notice whom it is really all about:

“Yes, I am a bull who carries around his own china closet.  Yes, I am willing to say publicly what others just think.  And yes, I am not a person who is influenced by positions or possessions.  Needless to say, I am not a part of THE Group.

When I came down from Arkansas and was useful to THE Group, they were more than willing to acknowledge me because they had use for me.  When I moved back to Texas from Kansas THE Group was more than willing to put me on committees and meet at my church, but when I did not do what I was told, THE Group had little use for me.”

Does anyone else see an ego thingy going on here?

Why do I attack Montoya and Davis?

July 28, 2009

Because somebody has to say something. Davis speaks of stomping out evil and shouting out the truth (my words not his) as his motivation. Montoya feels strongly that his mission is to point out the real and not real errors at the BGCT and TBC.

From the BGCT they will not respond and can’t really respond, because then they will be getting into “politics”.  So from a political perspective I feel someone has to speak out about the constant rant from Montoya/Davis.

They are the most read blogs out there. I go on to read what they have posted and most of the time I just laugh. And then there are times I am upset with what they say. Especially from Montoya. Davis is for the most part civil, Montoya is on occasion cruel.

The unwarranted slams against some in the building from Montoya is  bothersome. Those within the BGCT staff are my brothers and sisters in Christ and it does not help the cause of Christ to call them names as Montoya does. Such as LIEbrum and other not so flattering name calling. 

Maybe I have teased too much about Montoya and Davis, but I sincerely do not desire to harm them. On blogs it is hard to read facial expressions while teasing.  I feel the tone of Montoya’s blog comes across as hateful and hurtful.  And so I respond.

Some of my friends tell me, that when I respond I give them credibility. Some say to ignore them. I have a hard time ignoring when they slam my brothers and sisters over rumors. In some cases, the “stories” have come up false and no apology is in given.

I am so sorry that those on staff at the BGCT have to endure so much junk from some who find nothing but “evil” in what they do.  I want them to know, I love and support them in the cause of Christ. Sure they are human and make mistakes, and so do I and so do Montoya and Davis.

Be Kind One to Another. Eph. 4:32

Bobby T’s Survey on Montoya Blog

July 27, 2009

Gee, Bobby, I would respond to your survey and so would others, but alas Montoya “blocks” those he deems unworthy from responding on his site.

My church is very supportive of my attendance at BGCT convention. I have a budget for just such event. Problem for me is the amount is not quite enough for me. If I go this year, I will have to really pinch pennies.

Some of my pastor friends are having to not go due to budget cuts. So money is playing a factor for some. I wonder statewide if attendance will be down this year? Of course Montoya will see that as a sign from God that the BGCT is going down the tubes.

Again this shores up the notion that a new way of doing convention is in order.

David Come to Convention!!!

July 27, 2009

David come to the convention!! We need you to come and again make a fool of yourself, like you did in Amarillo. We need you to stand at the exit out of convention hall and stare at us. It just wouldn’t be the same without you.

David Lowrie needs you to give him a thumbs up during his sermon. He just can’t preach knowing you are gonna stay home. Rick Davis will feel helpless without his “sidekick”  to encourage him. Why he might even have to set alone at the convention hall.

Of course I gotta see if you will shake my hand. I will make sure you don’t have one of those buzzer things in your hand!! Of course I might have one.  I will make sure and carry a sterilized wipe after said event. Just kidding David.

But seriously if you don’t come, then your voice of concern cannot be heard. It is one of the best venues to come and take a mic and express your opinion. I am gonna do my best to come. It is a long drive from Abilene and it will honestly depend on the  cost of gas. I have a small budget that allows me to come, but it is getting harder and harder to make it on my convention allowance.  Hopefully I will be able to come.

Some of my colleagues have expressed concern over the cost and time to and from Houston. I wonder if others are expressing similar issues. Another big reason to consider satelite sites around the state. I know it will not be the same and all, but may increase participation.

So David, come anyway. I promise not to be mean to you my brother. We may disagree, but you are my Brother in Christ and I will treat you as such.

He’s Baaack!!

July 22, 2009

Well, well, Montoya just can’t stand it. TBC meets and he thinks the world is falling apart. He says he has “spies” in the meeting who will give him the real snuff about the meeting.

He is such an egomaniac that he thinks Currie is out to get him. He thinks everyone is out to get him.

I think Currie ought to show up at his office one day and scare the you know what out of him. What a hoot that would be.

Without Montoya, why we would all be willing followers of Currie and not even know it. We would kiss his feet and give him all our money. Montoya must think we are stupid and don’t think for ourselves.

Don’t you just get a kick out of the “lovefest” between Montoya and Davis. Montoya has Davis as his editor for his blog and Davis has Montoya as his bull in the china closet. What a team they make. Davis bores us with his long drawn out pseudo-pyschological/theological diatribes and Montoya spews out pure gossip.

He’s Back and the world is not a better place.

Montoya on Permanent Vacation!!

July 15, 2009

If only it were true. We wouldn’t have to listen to his constant dribble about how bad the BGCT is. Why we might actually believe the sun rises each morning. 

In fairnest to Montoya, he has pointed out some things that needed to be looked at. But he has gone way to far. He must have liked the applause he recieved and can ‘t get enough. So he lives for any “dirt” he can get himself or from other “sources”.

On a number of  occasions the information he has recieved has been false and in the process someone got hurt. So my question is, where are the ones who find his “methods” questionable? Why aren’t they responding? Are they afraid of him?

I know, some tell me they won’t respond to him, cause it just gives him credibility.  So we just continue to let him hurt brothers and sisters in Christ? I am not saying anyone should shut him down, but we should respond to his false accusations and stand firm.

Of course anytime you respond to Montoya or Davis for that matter in a negative way, they pull both pistols out and shoot you. At least one of  them has threatened me and the ministry I have. I am sure others have felt the wrath of at least one of them.

So I really do wish Montoya’s blog was on permanent vacation. Davis, isn’t so bad, I actually find him level headed until you disagree with him. Montoya well, enough said. At least Davis will let others who disagree with him respond on his blog. Montoya has put me on permanent spam.

A Man Called “Spiritual” Samurai

July 2, 2009

There was a movie that came out in the seventies- “A Man Called Horse”. Pretty good movie by the way. But I digress. David Montoya calls himself “Spiritual” Samurai. The “spiritual” part of his nickname is in question. Hince the title to my post, “A Man Called “Spiritual” Samurai”.

He likes to tear down fellow members of the body of Christ with no remorse whatsoever. And one of those fellow Christians is David Currie. Admittedly I don’t completely agree with Currie, but he is a brother in Christ. So he smokes cigars and probably drinks an occasional beer. He aint perfect and neither are any of us. By the way, last I checked it isn’t a sin to drink beer and smoke cigars. They smell and taste bad, at least to me, but it isn’t a sin.

Yet, Montoya takes swipes at him as if he is evil incarnate. But it is ok for him to spew out questionable theology from the world of martial arts?  He quotes “non-Christian” material often on his blog. Personally I don’t care if he quotes sources of philosophy on his blog. Some of the “outside” sources can enhance  Scriptural theology, so quote away. But for him to “throw rocks” at Currie is questionable indeed.

Seems to me, Montoya comes across as someone who has been spurned by Currie and is out to get him. In the past Montoya was a big supporter of TBM and other entities that he currently attacks. Did he not get enough sugar for his coffee? Were the peanuts not passed to him at the table? Was his raised hand at meetings ignored?  Would they not let him go to the bathroom?

Oh, I know what it is, Currie has hair and Montoya doesn’t!!  Just kidding.

It is not very “Spiritual” on Montoya’s part, the “poetry” he writes to demean and tear down a fellow brother in Christ. I would respond on his blog to his psuedo poems about Currie, but alas he has blocked me.

“The greatest of these is love”   have we forgotten.

“Be kind one to another…”   another forgotten verse.

“Do unto others…”  it can be done.

“If you have done it unto…” ouch!